Description & Nutritional Value
Microgreens are vegetable greens (not to be confused with sprouts or shoots) harvested just after the cotyledon leaves have developed. They are used as a nutrition supplement, a visual enhancement, and a flavor and texture enhancement.
Flax seeds, also known as common flax or linseeds, are small oil seeds that originated in the Middle East thousands of years ago. They have gained popularity as a health food. This is due to their high content of heart-healthy omega-3 fats, fiber, and other unique plant compounds. Flax seeds have been linked to health benefits, such as improved digestion and a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The best way to extract optimal benefits from flaxseeds is to grind whole, fresh seeds and add them to your food. Grinding breaks up the fibrous outer shell and releases all of the essential fatty acids contained within the seed.
Tray Planting
Plant 1-2 teaspoons of seed (for a 5x5 inch Tray) on thoroughly moistened medium.
Cover your crop with another tray, or a plate - to keep light out and moisture in.
Keep your medium moist by watering lightly as needed. Don't drench!
When your plants have begun to show leaves, remove cover and move your crop to a well lit location.
Harvest when the leaves are open and an inch or three tall (day 5-14).
Cut just above the medium, with a scissors or sharp knife.

How To Serve
Flaxseed is among the superfoods as it’s high in Omega-3. However, as it’s also high in phytic acid, sprouting them helps reduce the anti nutrients and makes it more digestible.
Just one tablespoon provides a good amount of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to being a rich source of some vitamins and minerals.
Add these tasty sprouts onto salads for an extra boost of nutrition and healthy vitamins and minerals!

All seeds are grown and packaged in the U.S.
Each bag is individually labeled.

All seed lots are tested for germination.

Works great with any type of sprouter.