Country Creek Acres
Detroit Dark Red Beet

Description & Nutritional Value
The most popular, old standard, all-purpose red beet. Uniform and smooth, with blood red flesh that is sweet and tasty. 14" tops make good greens. Heirloom variety introduced in 1892. Detroit Dark Red is a wonderful heirloom variety with good old-fashioned taste. Detroit Dark Red beet is an old time heirloom favorite dating back to 1892. Gardeners today still contend this is their favorite variety for a dependable root harvest. Detroit Dark Red produced 3" round beets perfect for canning or table use.
How To Grow
Keep weeds under control during the growing season. Weeds compete with plants for water, space and nutrients, so control them by either cultivating often or use a mulch to prevent their seeds from germinating. Keep plants well watered during dry periods to promote uninterrupted growth. Plants need about 1 inch of rain per week during the growing season. Use a rain gauge to check to see if you need to add water. It’s best to water with a drip or trickle system that delivers water at low pressure at the soil level. If you water with overhead sprinklers, water early in the day so the foliage has time to dry off before evening, to minimize disease problems. Keep the soil moist but not saturated.

How To Use
The roots are globe shaped, excellent color, sweet, smooth and tender. Very tasty fresh out of the garden, but they also maintain their taste and texture after being canned or pickled. We also personally enjoy harvesting tender, immature leaves as "baby greens" and adding them into our tossed salads to add additional flavor.

All Seeds are grown and packaged in the U.S. (Each bag is individually labeled)

All seed lots are tested for germination.

Works great with any type of sprouter.