Country Creek LLC
Clover Microgreen Seeds

Description & Nutritional Value
You might consider sprouts as just a simple topping for your salad or sandwich. But as a germinated seed, sprouts are a concentrated source of nutrients designed to support the growth of the new plant, and including them in your diet can help you meet essential nutrient needs. Clover sprouts, with a look and taste similar to alfalfa sprouts, provide protein, fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin C and folate. Adding them to your salad or sandwich offers a number of health benefits.
Clover sprouts add flavor and crunch to your food without overloading you on calories. A 100-gram serving of raw clover sprouts contains 23 calories. By comparison, one slice of bacon, also used to add flavor and crunch to salads and sandwiches, contains 45 calories per slice. Including more low-calorie foods in your diet, such as clover sprouts, can make it easier for you to balance your calories to maintain a healthy weight.
Clover sprouts can also help you meet your protein needs. In fact, most of the calories in clover sprouts, 70 percent, come from its protein content. A 100 g serving of clover sprouts contains 4 g of protein, meeting 8 percent of your daily value. Clover sprouts do not supply all of the essential amino acids, so they are not a complete source of protein. But if you eat a varied diet that includes other vegetables and grains, you should be able to meet all of your essential amino acid needs.
Tray Sprouting - With Soil
1. To start your sprouts, you will want to soak your seeds in a bowl of cool water for 4-6 hours, or overnight, making certain that seeds are submersed and not floating on top of the water. This will soften the seed coat and promote germination. After soaking, thoroughly drain off all water. It is wise to rinse seeds immediately after soaking to clean them and wash away an extraneous matter, and again drain off all excess water.
2. Wait several hours, then later in that day: Rinse seeds with cool, clean water. Carefully drain off all water so seeds at bottom of sprouter are not covered with water.
3. Repeat this process of rinsing with cool water and draining 3-4 times per day as your seeds mature, and even as you begin to harvest and consume them. As your sprouts grow, it is important that they receive good air circulation. Many types of sprouters, such as simple canning jar types, provide good circulation with the tilting motion necessary for complete drainage. Keep your container on your kitchen table or counter, or similar location that has dependable lighting and airflow.
4. Once sprouts have reached a desirable state for consumption, typically between 4-7 days for red clover, they can be transferred out of sprouter and placed under refrigeration to prolong their lifespan. This is not necessary but will slow down the growth process and give you a larger window to eat your sprouts. Sprouts should not be allowed to dry out, as they can quickly lose their vitality and nutritional content.
Clean sprouter thoroughly after use.

Jar Sprouting - No Soil
1. Plant 1-2 teaspoons of seed (for a 5x5 inch Tray) on thoroughly moistened medium.
2. Cover your crop with another tray, or a plate - to keep light out and moisture in.
3. Keep your medium moist by watering lightly as needed. Don't drench!
Use Coconut Coir and you likely won't have to water at all after planting!
4. When your plants have begun to show leaves, remove cover and move your crop to a well lit location.
5. Harvest when the leaves are open and an inch or three tall (day 5-14-)
Cut just above the medium, with a scissors or sharp knife.

All Seeds are grown and packaged in the U.S. (Each bag is individually labeled)

All seed lots are tested for germination.

Works great with any type of sprouter.