Country Creek LLC
Cress Microgreen Seeds

Description & Nutritional Value
Garden cress (Lepidium sativum) is also known as halim is an edible fast-growing herb which is native to Persia. Garden cress belongs to the cruciferous family and is linked to mustard, pepperwort pepper grass and watercress. Stems, seeds and leaves of garden cress are palatable but only the leaves and stems are eaten raw in salads or used for other culinary purposes. Medicinal properties of garden cress (Lepidium sativum) have been recognized for centuries in India and Europe.
Due to its unique flavor and higher nutritional value, garden cress makes a tasty and healthy addition to salads and sandwiches.
Traditional Uses:
-Garden cress is good for one’s blood, treat a child’s cough, can stimulate sexual desire, diminish scars and freckles, and take care of diarrhea.
-Garden cress is also used to treat inflammation, skin infections and acne, and it acts as a blood purifier, diuretic and expectorant.
-Seeds are given as a decoction or infusion in hiccup, dysentery, diarrhea, skin diseases and as a galactagogue.
-Leaves are mainly used in salads, on sandwiches, and as baby greens. Garden cress is added to soups, sandwiches and salads for its tangy flavor.
It is also consumed as sprouts, and the fresh or dried seed pods can be used as a peppery seasoning.
-Cut cress shoots are commonly used in sandwiches with boiled eggs, mayonnaise and salt in the United Kingdom.
-Seeds can be roasted or cooked before eating.
Make sure to rinse well before use, sprinkle on salads or use in sandwiches and enjoy.
Tray Sprouting - With Soil
How to grow punnet (10x10cm) of Cress microgreens:
Fill your punnet/tray approximately half full of compost. You can place muslin on top of the compost which makes it easier to harvest but is not necessary.
Sprinkle about 20g of seed on top of the compost/muslin and spread evenly.
Water daily, using a can with a rose.
Keep covered at room temperature for 3 days, watering once/twice a day keeping the compost moist, as it is important to keep the seeds moist during germination, but do not over water.
After 3 days uncover your greens and continue to grow in a light place.
You can slow or speed the growth of the greens by manipulating the temperature. Fresh air and sunshine is what it likes best, but for most of the year in the UK you will need to keep it indoors on or near a windowsill. In hot weather it is better to protect the plants from direct sunshine.
After 7-12 days, the microgreens will have formed the first pair of leaves and be ready to use.
To harvest cut a small bundle of the greens with a sharp knife or scissors above compost surface. If you've used a muslin you can pull out your greens.

Jar Sprouting - No Soil
Place about l0g of seed in a glass jar, fill with water and leave to soak for about 12 hours. Don’t allow the seeds to float. After soaking, fix some muslin over the mouth of the jar with a rubber band and drain off the water. Rinse with fresh water and drain off the water immediately.
Leave in the draining position at room temperature.
Daily, 2-3 times a day, fill the jar with fresh water and drain off immediately.
Keep in a light place to green the sprouts.
After a few days you will have up to 100 g of sprouts.
Rinse, eat and enjoy.
If you have a sprouter to sprout your seeds in please follow the instructions enclosed with your sprouter.

All Seeds are grown and packaged in the U.S. (Each bag is individually labeled)

All seed lots are tested for germination.

Works great with any type of sprouter.